How to Set Up Django on Nginx with uWSGI

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In this tutorial,  you will learn how to configure an Nginx server on Ubuntu with the Django web framework and WSGI as the web server gateway interface. The server configuration will be production-ready and set up for public release.

Throughout the tutorial, concepts will be introduced and demonstrated so you can gain an understanding of how each piece works.

Before you begin:

  • I will be using the domain name throughout this tutorial.
  • It is recommended that you configure your domain name’s DNS A records to point to the IP address of your server. Here’s a tutorial on how to do that.
  • Don’t have a server? I’ll be using Linode to deploy a server running Ubuntu 20.04.
  • It is recommended that you use a user other than root. Here’s a tutorial about how to add users to Ubuntu.

1. Update Your Server

It’s always a good idea to start by updating your server.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Now we have the latest and greatest packages installed on the server.

2. Use a Virtual Environment for Python

The venv module allows you to create virtual Python environments. This allows you to isolate installed packages from the system.

After installing venv, make a directory to house your virtual environments, and then create a virtual environment named md using venv. You can call your virtual environment whatever you prefer.

apt-get install python3-venv
mkdir /home/udoms/env/
python3 -m venv /home/udoms/env/md

Now activate your virtual environment.

source /home/udoms/env/md/bin/activate

You will see the name of your virtual environment in parenthesis as a prefix to your username and server name in your terminal window.

Virtual environment name in parentheses

You can also verify that you are working from within your virtual environment by taking a look at where the Python binary is located.

which python

In this case, we are using Python version 3.8.5 which is located in the /home/udoms/env/md/bin/python directory.

3. Create a Django Project

Now that our Python environment is set up, we can install the Django web framework using the pip package installer.

pip install Django

Next let’s create a Django project with which should be on your path by default. Feel free to choose a project name that suites you. startproject microdomains
cd microdomains

Test out your project by spinning up the built-in Django server with the following command:

python runserver

In a browser, you should be able to visit and see the default Django landing page. If not, you might you see a Django error message like this:

Django ALLOWED_HOSTS error
Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ‘’. You may need to add ‘’ to ALLOWED_HOSTS.

If you see this error message, add your domain name to the microdomains/ file.

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', '']

# Application definition


Try to visit again and this time you will see the default Django landing page.

4. Get Started With uWSGI

First we need to install the web server gateway interface (WSGI). In this case, we will be using uWSGI. You will also need the development packages for your version of Python to be installed.

sudo apt-get install python3.8-dev
sudo apt-get install gcc
pip install uwsgi

The ultimate goal in this tutorial is to send requests from the client to Nginx which will pass them to a socket that will hand them off to uWSGI before finally being given to Django.

Nginx, uWSGI, and Django web server

That’s a lot to configure right off the bat, so we will start with a much simpler test just to make sure all the individual puzzle pieces are in place.

Create a file called with the following content:

def application(env, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type','text/html')])
    return [b"Hello World!"]

Let’s test out uWSGI directly talking to Python with the following command:

uwsgi --http :8000 --wsgi-file

In a browser, you should be able to visit and see the text “Hello World!”

If this works for you, we have demonstrated that uWSGI is able to pass requests to Python.

Now we can similarly serve the Django project with uWSGI with the following command:

uwsgi --http :8000 --module microdomains.wsgi

Note that this works because the path microdomains/ exists. Test it out in a browser and you should see the default Django landing page again.

5. Configure the Nginx Web Server

Install Nginx with apt-get as follows:

sudo apt-get install nginx

Now with Nginx installed, you will be able to visit the default “Welcome to nginx!” page in your browser at

Let’s tell Nginx about our Django project by creating a configuration file at /etc/nginx/sites-available/microdomains.conf. Change the highlighted lines to suite your needs.

# the upstream component nginx needs to connect to
upstream django {
    server unix:///home/udoms/microdomains/microdomains.sock;

# configuration of the server
server {
    listen      80;
    charset     utf-8;

    # max upload size
    client_max_body_size 75M;

    # Django media and static files
    location /media  {
        alias /home/udoms/microdomains/media;
    location /static {
        alias /home/udoms/microdomains/static;

    # Send all non-media requests to the Django server.
    location / {
        uwsgi_pass  django;
        include     /home/udoms/microdomains/uwsgi_params;

We need to create the /home/udoms/microdomains/uwsgi_params file highlighted above on line 26 as well.

uwsgi_param  QUERY_STRING       $query_string;
uwsgi_param  REQUEST_METHOD     $request_method;
uwsgi_param  CONTENT_TYPE       $content_type;
uwsgi_param  CONTENT_LENGTH     $content_length;

uwsgi_param  REQUEST_URI        $request_uri;
uwsgi_param  PATH_INFO          $document_uri;
uwsgi_param  DOCUMENT_ROOT      $document_root;
uwsgi_param  SERVER_PROTOCOL    $server_protocol;
uwsgi_param  REQUEST_SCHEME     $scheme;
uwsgi_param  HTTPS              $https if_not_empty;

uwsgi_param  REMOTE_ADDR        $remote_addr;
uwsgi_param  REMOTE_PORT        $remote_port;
uwsgi_param  SERVER_PORT        $server_port;
uwsgi_param  SERVER_NAME        $server_name;

Next we can publish our changes by creating a symbolic link from sites-available to sites-enabled like so:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/microdomains.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

We must edit the microdomains/ file to explicitly tell Nginx where our static files reside.

First add import os at the very beginning:

Django settings for microdomains project.

Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 3.1.2.

For more information on this file, see

For the full list of settings and their values, see
import os
from pathlib import Path

# Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'.
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent


and STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/") at the very end:

# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/")

With these changes in place, we can now tell Django to put all static files in the static folder.

python collectstatic

Restart the Nginx server to apply changes.

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

At this point if you visit http://micro.domainsin a browser, you will probably see an Nginx 502 Bad Gateway error, but at this point we just want to test if media files are being properly served. So to test this out, let’s put an image in our media directory.

mkdir media
wget -O media/media.gif

Finally visit in a browser and you should see Google’s first logo from back in 1998.

Google's first logo from 1998

6. Get Nginx, uWSGI, and Django to Work Together

Let’s take this one step further and have Nginx, uWSGI, and Django work together with the help of the UNIX socket.

uwsgi --socket microdomains.sock --module microdomains.wsgi --chmod-socket=666

You can actually try the above command without the --chmod-socket=666 argument and/or with a --chmod-socket=664 argument instead. If either of those work for you, just keep that in mind going forward.

Once again, visit http://micro.domainsin a browser, and this time you should see the default Django landing page!

7. Configure uWSGI for Production

Rather than passing arguments to uWSGI like we did above, we can put these options in a configuration file at the root of you Django project called microdomains_uwsgi.ini.


# full path to Django project's root directory
chdir            = /home/udoms/microdomains/
# Django's wsgi file
module           = microdomains.wsgi
# full path to python virtual env
home             = /home/udoms/env/md

# enable uwsgi master process
master          = true
# maximum number of worker processes
processes       = 10
# the socket (use the full path to be safe
socket          = /home/udoms/microdomains/microdomains.sock
# socket permissions
chmod-socket    = 666
# clear environment on exit
vacuum          = true
# daemonize uwsgi and write messages into given log
daemonize       = /home/udoms/uwsgi-emperor.log

You can then proceed to start up uwsgi and specify the ini file:

uwsgi --ini microdomains_uwsgi.ini

Visit http://micro.domainsin a browser and you will see the default Django landing page if everything works correctly.

As one last configuration option for uWSGI, let’s run uWSGI in emperor mode. This will monitor the uWSGI config file directory for changes and will spawn vassals (i.e. instances) for each one it finds.

cd /home/udoms/env/md/
mkdir vassals
sudo ln -s /home/udoms/microdomains/microdomains_uwsgi.ini /home/udoms/env/md/vassals/

Now you can run uWSGI in emperor mode as a test.

uwsgi --emperor /home/udoms/env/md/vassals --uid www-data --gid www-data

Visit http://micro.domainsin a browser and you will see the default Django landing page if everything works correctly.

Finally, we want to start up uWSGI when the system boots. Create a systemd service file at /etc/systemd/system/emperor.uwsgi.service with the following content:

Description=uwsgi emperor for micro domains website

ExecStart=/home/udoms/env/md/bin/uwsgi --emperor /home/udoms/env/md/vassals --uid www-data --gid www-data


Enable the service to allow it to execute on system boot and start it so you can test it without a reboot.

systemctl enable emperor.uwsgi.service
systemctl start emperor.uwsgi.service

Visit http://micro.domainsin a browser and you will see the default Django landing page if everything works correctly.

Check the status of the service and stop it as follows:

systemctl status emperor.uwsgi.service
systemctl stop emperor.uwsgi.service

For good measure, reboot your system to make sure that your website is accessible at startup.

YouTube video

Before going public with your website, it is highly recommended that you configure a few additional Django settings.

Please let me know if you have any questions about setting up Django with Nginx and uWSGI.


Meet Tony

Tony from Tony Teaches Tech headshot

With a strong software engineering background, Tony is determined to demystify the web. Discover why Tony quit his job to pursue this mission. You can join the Tony Teaches Tech community here.

41 Responses

  1. Seems like the default Nginx landing page is still being served. This tells me that one of the following is true:
    1.) You have multiple Nginx config files and the default is overriding your new one
    2.) You need to reload Nginx for your config changes to take effect
    3.) You haven’t symlinked your config in sites-available to sites-enabled

  2. hello i’ve gone through all the steps though im encountring an error when i start the nginx server :
    pam_unix(sudo:auth): Couldn’t open /etc/securetty: No such file or directory
    please help

  3. what must to write in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file. first it listens :80 in nginx.conf, not in sites-available/microdomains.conf. is cause of linux server?

  4. I don’t have a setting I skipped, but I see the nginx page. django is not shown. Which part should I check again?

    1. Is your Django server running on port 80 and/or is your Nginx config file set up to listen on port 80?

  5. Good morning!

    This was a great post. It helped me a lot and I thank you so much.

    However, from step 5 onwards the domain name stopped redirecting to my website and I could only access it from the VPS’s IP address. Do you know why this problem might be happening? I have checked my spelling of the domain inside the nginx conf files and everything appears to be ok.

      1. Ok, I kind of have figured out what has happened. It seems I have to clear the cache and flush the DNS configuration of my local machine after I have accessed the site using the IP address.

  6. Tony, once again, thank you for this tutorial.

    There is one more error that is coming up to me when I make my Django application open a text file inside Python. I use the Python command ‘open’ inside and, in order to avoid path related issues, I also use os and pathlib. When I run the application through the Django server at port 8000, everything works fine. However, when I run the server with the Nginx and uWSGI server, this error occurs.

    I think it might have to do with the server user permissions, but I have tried to chmod and chown the file folder with no success. I would be very glad if you could give me an insight on how to fix this problem.

  7. I could not find the error message. Which file should I tail in order to get the error messages as I would get running the Django server directly?

    I know that the code stops at this part because I used the “print” command several times until I had found the statement that was causing the error.

  8. Hey Tony. This lesson has been a life saver. Thankyou very much! I was wondering if you have some advice for using multiple domain names, and pointing them to specific apps in my Django project. I am missing something.

  9. hey tony thanks for the great and simplified tutorial I’ve followed your tutorial on ubuntu server 20.04 and everything worked fine, I created the service and it worked and the status was running after i rebooted the machine I received “502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)” I checked the status of the service it’s running, am I missing something

  10. When I run sudo nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/sites-available/na_backend.conf it says upstream is not allowed here

    1. I had the same doubt. I was trying to shedule function using APSheduler. But it fails because django unable to create multiple thread because of uwsgi. Any Suggestions?

  11. Hello Tony,

    I used you tutorial to deploy Odoo ERP System, and I succeeded to load the project under uWSGI. But I have a problem with “uwsgi request is too big:XXX”.

    My Deployment stack for Odoo ERP 12 :
    #Python 3.7.10 and Werkzeug 0.16.1
    #Nginx 1.20.0 #uWSGI #FreeBSD 13.0-REL
    Nginx throw an alert : “uwsgi request is too big: 81492 GET /……..”

    I increased the “uwsgi_buffer_size ” in both uwsgi and nginx, but without any success

    How to do a large buffer size (> 64k) uWSGI requests with Nginx proxy.
    This is the issue that I openned on uWSGI github

    Can you please take a look and help me to solve this problem

  12. hello Mr.Tony,
    first of all i really appreciate your effort of making this video but i got 502 bad gatway error,
    i followed all steps as you mentioned in this blog
    i can see my site only if i run this
    “uwsgi –socket microdomains.sock –module microdomains.wsgi –chmod-socket=666″
    i think nginx service was not running
    and i used this command
    sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
    to see the error logs
    and i got

    2021/06/07 18:51:49 [error] 9612#9612: *1 connect() to unix:///home/developer/bharathwajan/bharathwajan.sock failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:, request: “GET / HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “uwsgi://unix:///home/developer/bharathwajan/bharathwajan

    i saw your video “”
    but that doesn’t work for me

    if you are ok to fix this error on teamviewer i can pay you around 10 to 14$ ,i know that was a less amount but mine is not a big budget project it was my personal project , if you are ok then mail me

  13. Hi Tony, i m Fernando from Argentina, i did all steps and all looks good.
    The server is running fine with django-nginx-uwsgi in a service (emperor mode working)
    I’m having another problem, i want to host a site from home, and when i register mi syte with a dns server, i dont know what ip to put in the A record, the modem of my service has an ip like 126.100.66.xx, but when i search internet for my public ip i find another ip like 186.22.19.xx
    I did the port forwarding in the modem for the ports 80 y 22 to the local ip of my webserver…
    Sorry about my english, my native language is spanish.
    Your channel is the best, so plz still going on it!!!

  14. Hi there! Great tutorial, however I’m encountering an error regarding the media file that has to be shown on /static/path/to/media/file. I’ve gone into the nginx logs and am getting the following error: 2021/08/19 10:31:34 [crit] 30839#30839: *1 connect() to unix:///home/ubuntu/web/src/project.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream, client: (CLIENT IP), server: (SERVER IP), request: “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “uwsgi://unix:///home/ubuntu/web/src/project.sock:”, host: (SERVER IP), referrer: “http://(SERVER IP)/”. I believe it is an error with user permissions, how can I go about fixing it?
    I had a similiar problem when running unicorn:
    Feel free to answer either question, I really just can’t get it to work! It seems that when I run uwsgi –socket microdomains.sock –module microdomains.wsgi –chmod-socket=666, the server starts but never receives any requests… weird. Than you

  15. Hola Fernando, tenés que poner la IP Publica… pero depende también de qué proveedor de internet estés usando.

  16. hi iam sudhakar can you please make a tutorial for same django project with aws code pipeline and code deplyod on ec2 instance of ubuntu os

  17. Everything worked perfectly in my ec2 ubuntu 18.04 instance until I rebooted it. Now I am getting 502 Bad gateway and the following error

    2021/12/19 08:12:19 [error] 890#890: *1 connect() to unix:///home/ubuntu/rasabot/rasabot.sock failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:, request: “GET / HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “uwsgi://unix:///home/ubuntu/rasabot/rasabot.sock:”, host: “”

    I made up the domain name for security reasons.

  18. I am receiving these error
    — no python application found, check your startup logs for errors —
    [pid: 1811|app: -1|req: -1/1] () {48 vars in 936 bytes} [Sun Dec 26 08:38:11 2021] GET / => generated 21 bytes in 0 msecs (HTTP/1.1 500) 2 headers in 83 bytes (1 switches on core 0)
    But when I tried to run this command uwsgi –socket microdomains.sock –module microdomains.wsgi –chmod-socket=666
    It is working maybe some issue with the ini configuration?

  19. I had to comment out the home variable from the ini configuration and its work fine. Thank you for such a good video.

  20. I configured the nginx server and restarted it and typed my domain name in web browser. I am getting timeout error not getting any message from nginx

  21. Hi there! Great tutorial, however I’m encountering an error regarding the media file that has to be shown on /static/path/to/media/file. I’ve gone into the nginx logs and am getting the following error: 2021/08/19 10:31:34 [crit] 30839#30839: *1 connect() to unix:///home/ubuntu/web/src/project.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream, client: (CLIENT IP), server: (SERVER IP), request: “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “uwsgi://unix:///home/ubuntu/web/src/project.sock:”, host: (SERVER IP), referrer: “http://(SERVER IP)/”. I believe it is an error with user permissions, how can I go about fixing it?

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